All Classes and Interfaces

A data transfer object is used for calendar notification request operations.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlNotificationStompWsConfiguration of the Notification Web Socket starter package.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Kafka consumer for Mail Notification.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for notification polling admin operations for user.
A restful service which provides specific methods for notification polling admin.
This service provides admin operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationAdminPollingUserService.
It is the class that provides language support.
The class which implements HvlNotificationBundleService.
Configuration for Notification Content Provider.
Configuration constants for Notification Content Provider.
Entity constants for Notification Content Provider.
The type notification error constant.
Configuration for Notification Kafka Client API support.
A restful service which provides specific methods for kafka notifications.
The class which implements HvlNotificationKafkaClientService
The class that provides methods for producing logs sync.
The class which implements HvlNotificationLoggerProducerProvider.
Properties of Notification Log
Constants for Notification Log.
Configuration for Notification Mail Client API support.
Configuration for Mail Notification.
Configuration constants for Notification Mail.
HvlNotificationMailException is a wrapper exception which is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when any error occurs.
Properties of Mail Notification used to determine resource.
A data transfer object is used for mail notification operations.
A data transfer object is used for mail with content notification operations.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for mail notification operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for mail notifications.
The type notification mail sender error constant.
HvlNotificationMailSenderException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when notification error occurs.
Configuration for Notification Mail Sender Provider.
Configuration constants for Notification Mail Sender Provider.
This service provides api methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationMailSenderService
Configuration for Notification Mail Server.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationMailService
The class in which service endpoints are defined for notification template operations.
The type notification mail template error constant.
HvlNotificationMailTemplateException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when notification mail template error occurs.
Configuration for Notification Message Broker Client API support.
Configuration constants for Notification Message Broker Client.
Properties of Notification Message Broker Client.
A service which provides methods for notification with message broker.
The class which implements HvlNotificationMQClientService.
Contains the types of notification message broker type available in the system.
Configuration for Notification Message Broker Kafka Client.
An entity class which defines notification polling fields.
An entity class which defines notification polling announcement fields.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationPollingAnnouncementManager.
A data transfer object extended HvlNotificationPollingPayloadModel for Notification Polling Announcement operations.
A service in which includes custom methods used for persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlNotificationPollingAnnouncementManager.
HvlNotificationPollingAnnouncementQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlNotificationPollingAnnouncement
HvlNotificationPollingAnnouncementQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlNotificationPollingAnnouncement.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for notification polling announcement operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for notification polling announcements.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationPollingAnnouncementService.
Configuration for Notification Polling Client API support.
Configuration for Notification Polling.
Configuration constants for Notification Polling.
The class is a container for constraint group types.
The interface predicating operation.
Entity constants for Notification Polling.
The type polling error constant.
HvlNotificationPollingException is a wrapper exception which is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when any error occurs.
Quartz Job for Notification Polling.
Notification Polling Payload constraints.
An abstract class includes basic notification payload fields.
The type notification polling predicate model provider.
Properties of Notification Polling.
Configuration for Notification Polling Quartz.
HvlNotificationPollingQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlNotificationPolling
Configuration for Notification Polling Server.
The type Hvl notification session provider.
An entity class which defines notification polling user fields.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationPollingUserManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlNotificationPollingUserModel and HvlNotificationPollingUser
A data transfer object extended HvlNotificationPollingPayloadModel for Notification Polling User operations.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationPollingUserManager.
HvlNotificationPollingUserQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlNotificationPollingUser
HvlNotificationPollingAnnouncementQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlNotificationPollingUser
The class in which service endpoints are defined for notification polling operations for user.
A restful service which provides specific methods for notification polling users.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationPollingUserService.
A filtered data transfer object is used for batch processing operation
A data transfer object is used for mail notification operations.
Properties of Mail Notification used to determine resource.
An exception handler class for notification operations.
Notification security authority constants.
The class that provides methods for mail template status cache process.
The class which implements HvlNotificationSenderTemplateProvider
Notification Server Application.
Configuration for Notification Server.
Configuration constants for Notification Server.
Profiles of Notification Server which is used to select which server configuration will be scanned.
Configuration for Notification Stomp Web Socket Client API support.
Configuration for Notification Web Socket.
Configuration constants for Notification Web Socket.
HvlNotificationStompWsException is a wrapper exception which is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when any error occurs.
A data transfer object is used for notification stomp web socket operations.
Properties of Notification Web Socket.
A data transfer object is used for notification stomp web socket operations.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for notification web socket operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for notification stomp web socket.
Configuration for Notification Web Socket Server.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationStompWsService
A data transfer object extended HvlModel for Notification Polling Type Count
The type is notification sub count model builder.
An entity class which defines notification template fields.
An entity class which defines notification template audit fields.
HvlNotificationTemplateAuditQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlNotificationTemplateAudit
Notification Content Provider constraints.
An entity class which defines notification template content fields.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
A data transfer object is used for notification template content operations.
HvlNotificationTemplateContentQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlNotificationTemplateContent
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
Notification Template Content enums.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlNotificationTemplateManager
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlNotificationTemplate and HvlNotificationTemplateModel
A data transfer object is used for notification template operations.
This manager provides operational methods.
Configuration for notification provider configurable mail template provider.
Notification Template Provider Configuration constant.
HvlNotificationMailTemplateProviderException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when an error occurs during template provider.
HvlNotificationTemplateQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlNotificationTemplate
The type notification template query generator.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is notification template query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlNotificationTemplate
A restful service which provides specific methods for mail notifications.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements {HvlNotificationTemplateService}
Notification Template Status enums.
Utility class.
Notification Type enums.
A data transfer object which is used to predicate query.
An exception handler class for polling operations.