Interface HvlBpmnHistoryService

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Validated public interface HvlBpmnHistoryService
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
  • Method Details

    • createHistoricProcessInstanceQuery

      org.flowable.engine.history.HistoricProcessInstanceQuery createHistoricProcessInstanceQuery()
      Creates a new programmatic query to search for HistoricProcessInstances.
      the historic process instance query
    • createHistoricActivityInstanceQuery

      org.flowable.engine.history.HistoricActivityInstanceQuery createHistoricActivityInstanceQuery()
      Creates a new programmatic query to search for HistoricActivityInstances.
      the historic activity instance query
    • createHistoricTaskInstanceQuery

      org.flowable.task.api.history.HistoricTaskInstanceQuery createHistoricTaskInstanceQuery()
      Creates a new programmatic query to search for HistoricTaskInstances.
      the historic task instance query
    • createHistoricDetailQuery

      org.flowable.engine.history.HistoricDetailQuery createHistoricDetailQuery()
      Creates a new programmatic query to search for HistoricDetails.
      the historic detail query
    • createNativeHistoricDetailQuery

      org.flowable.engine.history.NativeHistoricDetailQuery createNativeHistoricDetailQuery()
      Returns a new NativeQuery for process definitions.
      the native historic detail query
    • createHistoricVariableInstanceQuery

      org.flowable.variable.api.history.HistoricVariableInstanceQuery createHistoricVariableInstanceQuery()
      Creates a new programmatic query to search for HistoricVariableInstances.
      the historic variable instance query
    • createNativeHistoricVariableInstanceQuery

      org.flowable.variable.api.history.NativeHistoricVariableInstanceQuery createNativeHistoricVariableInstanceQuery()
      Returns a new NativeQuery for process definitions.
      the native historic variable instance query
    • deleteHistoricTaskInstance

      void deleteHistoricTaskInstance(@NotBlank @NotBlank String taskId)
      Deletes historic task instance. This might be useful for tasks that are dynamically created and then completed. If the historic task instance doesn't exist, no exception is thrown and the method returns normal.
      taskId - the task id
    • deleteHistoricProcessInstance

      void deleteHistoricProcessInstance(@NotBlank @NotBlank String processInstanceId)
      Deletes historic process instance. All historic activities, historic task and historic details (variable updates, form properties) are deleted as well.
      processInstanceId - the process instance id
    • deleteTaskAndActivityDataOfRemovedHistoricProcessInstances

      void deleteTaskAndActivityDataOfRemovedHistoricProcessInstances()
      Deletes historic task and activity data for removed process instances
    • deleteRelatedDataOfRemovedHistoricProcessInstances

      void deleteRelatedDataOfRemovedHistoricProcessInstances()
      Deletes historic identity links, detail info, variable data and entity links for removed process instances
    • createNativeHistoricProcessInstanceQuery

      org.flowable.engine.history.NativeHistoricProcessInstanceQuery createNativeHistoricProcessInstanceQuery()
      creates a native query to search for HistoricProcessInstances via SQL
      the native historic process instance query
    • createNativeHistoricTaskInstanceQuery

      org.flowable.task.service.history.NativeHistoricTaskInstanceQuery createNativeHistoricTaskInstanceQuery()
      creates a native query to search for HistoricTaskInstances via SQL
      the native historic task instance query
    • createNativeHistoricActivityInstanceQuery

      org.flowable.engine.history.NativeHistoricActivityInstanceQuery createNativeHistoricActivityInstanceQuery()
      creates a native query to search for HistoricActivityInstances via SQL
      the native historic activity instance query
    • getHistoricIdentityLinksForTask

      List<org.flowable.identitylink.api.history.HistoricIdentityLink> getHistoricIdentityLinksForTask(@NotBlank @NotBlank String taskId)
      Retrieves the HistoricIdentityLinks associated with the given task. Such an IdentityLink informs how a certain identity (eg. group or user) is associated with a certain task (eg. as candidate, assignee, etc.), even if the task is completed as opposed to IdentityLinks which only exist for active tasks.
      taskId - the task id
      the historic identity links for task
    • getHistoricIdentityLinksForProcessInstance

      List<org.flowable.identitylink.api.history.HistoricIdentityLink> getHistoricIdentityLinksForProcessInstance(@NotBlank @NotBlank String processInstanceId)
      Retrieves the HistoricIdentityLinks associated with the given process instance. Such an IdentityLink informs how a certain identity (eg. group or user) is associated with a certain process instance, even if the instance is completed as opposed to IdentityLinks which only exist for active instances.
      processInstanceId - the process instance id
      the historic identity links for process instance
    • createProcessInstanceHistoryLogQuery

      org.flowable.engine.history.ProcessInstanceHistoryLogQuery createProcessInstanceHistoryLogQuery(@NotBlank @NotBlank String processInstanceId)
      Allows to retrieve the ProcessInstanceHistoryLog for one process instance.
      processInstanceId - the process instance id
      the process instance history log query
    • deleteHistoricTaskLogEntry

      void deleteHistoricTaskLogEntry(long logNumber)
      Deletes user task log entry by its log number
      logNumber - user task log entry identifier
    • createHistoricTaskLogEntryBuilder

      org.flowable.task.api.history.HistoricTaskLogEntryBuilder createHistoricTaskLogEntryBuilder(@NotNull @NotNull org.flowable.task.api.TaskInfo task)
      Create new task log entry builder to the log task event
      task - to which is log related to
      the historic task log entry builder
    • createHistoricTaskLogEntryBuilder

      org.flowable.task.api.history.HistoricTaskLogEntryBuilder createHistoricTaskLogEntryBuilder()
      Create new task log entry builder to the log task event without predefined values from the task
      the historic task log entry builder
    • createHistoricTaskLogEntryQuery

      org.flowable.task.api.history.HistoricTaskLogEntryQuery createHistoricTaskLogEntryQuery()
      Returns a new HistoricTaskLogEntryQuery that can be used to dynamically query task log entries.
      the historic task log entry query
    • createNativeHistoricTaskLogEntryQuery

      org.flowable.task.api.history.NativeHistoricTaskLogEntryQuery createNativeHistoricTaskLogEntryQuery()
      Returns a new NativeHistoricTaskLogEntryQuery for HistoricTaskLogEntrys.
      the native historic task log entry query
    • createHistoricProcessInstanceCleaningQuery

      org.flowable.engine.history.HistoricProcessInstanceQuery createHistoricProcessInstanceCleaningQuery()
      Create historic process instance cleaning query historic process instance query.
      the historic process instance query
    • createBatchCleaningQuery

      org.flowable.batch.api.BatchQuery createBatchCleaningQuery()
      Create batch cleaning query batch query.
      the batch query