Class HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManagerImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Service public class HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManagerImpl extends Object implements HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManager
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManager.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • merge

      public Long merge(@NotNull @NotNull Long profileId, @Size(max=100) @Size(max=100) Set<@NotNull Long> roleIdSetToAdd, @Size(max=100) @Size(max=100) Set<@NotNull Long> roleIdSetToRemove)
      Merge profile role rel with list to add and set to remove.
      Specified by:
      merge in interface HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManager
      profileId - the profile id
      roleIdSetToAdd - the role id set to add
      roleIdSetToRemove - the role id set to remove
      the profile id
    • mergeRoleProfiles

      public void mergeRoleProfiles(@NotNull @NotNull Long roleId, @Size(max=100) @Size(max=100) Set<@NotNull Long> profileIdSetToAdd, @Size(max=100) @Size(max=100) Set<@NotNull Long> profileIdSetToRemove)
      Merge role profile rel with list to add and set to remove.
      Specified by:
      mergeRoleProfiles in interface HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManager
      roleId - the role id
      profileIdSetToAdd - the profile id set to add
      profileIdSetToRemove - the profile id set to remove
    • deleteAllByProfileIdSetAndRoleIdSet

      public void deleteAllByProfileIdSetAndRoleIdSet(@Size(max=100) @NotEmpty @Size(max=100) @NotEmpty Set<@NotNull Long> profileIdSet, @Size(max=100) @NotEmpty @Size(max=100) @NotEmpty Set<@NotNull Long> roleIdSet)
      Delete profile role relation by role ids and profile ids.
      Specified by:
      deleteAllByProfileIdSetAndRoleIdSet in interface HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManager
      profileIdSet - the profile id set
      roleIdSet - the role id set to remove
    • deleteAllByRoleId

      public void deleteAllByRoleId(Long roleId)
      Delete profile role relation by and role id.
      Specified by:
      deleteAllByRoleId in interface HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManager
      roleId - the role id
    • deleteAllByProfileId

      public void deleteAllByProfileId(@NotNull @NotNull Long profileId)
      Delete all by profile id.
      Specified by:
      deleteAllByProfileId in interface HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManager
      profileId - the profile id