1.5.6. Session Data Provider#
Oturum bilgilerinin verilerini önbellek (in-memory, redis vb.)'te tutan ve bu verileri sunan provider kütüphanesidir. Önbellek olarak Redis cache istenildiğinde profile redis
olarak setlenmelidir.
Gradle Dependencies
[group: 'tr.com.havelsan.framework.oauth', name: 'hvl-oauth-session-data-provider', version: 'güncel versiyon repositoryden bakılmalıdır.']
Servis Tanımı#
Servis Kullanımı
public interface HvlSessionDataProvider {
* begin is a service method which is used to store user required session data on key-value data store (redis etc.) after success login attempt
* @param session
* @throws HvlSessionSupportException
void begin(HvlSession session) throws HvlSessionSupportException;
* close is a service method which is used to clean user (via identifier) session data on key-value data store (redis etc.)
* @param identifier
* @throws HvlSessionSupportException
void close(@NotNull String identifier) throws HvlSessionSupportException;