All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a result.
Acquired constraints.
The class that authenticates the system user.
The implementation class that authenticates the system user
Configuration constants for Async Token.
The class that holds the token data.
The implementation class that holds the token data
Properties of Async Token Header.
The async token health check scheduler.
Properties of Async Token Header
Error constants for Async Token Provider
The class that adds the token and session information to the context.
Is a condition class for configuration beans.
The class in which the token is initialized in context.
The class which implements HvlAuthAuthenticator.
A data transfer object is used for authentication request.
A data transfer object is used for authentication response.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for authentication operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for authentication cloud.
This service provides operational methods.
The enum authentication type.
This authenticator provides authentication operations.
This service provides authenticate operation.
The class which implements HvlAuthAuthenticatorService
The type Hvl auth authorization request model.
The interface Generation.
The interface Validation.
It is the class that provides language support.
The class which implements HvlAuthBundleService
The class which extends CachesEndpointWebExtension and provides.
Configuration for Auth Cloud Client API support.
Configuration for Authentication.
Configuration constants for Authentication.
The class which implements ApplicationListener to catch notification events.
The class which implements HvlAuthAuthenticator.
This service provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthEndpointCachesService for Redis.
Error constants for Authentication.
The class which implements HvlAuthEventNotifier.
Properties of authentication logger.
Constants for Authentication.
This service provides send event.
The class which implements HvlAuthEventNotifier.
Properties of auth event operation
Properties of auth event.
HvlAuthException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when authentication error occurs.
The class that enables to listen events in the application context conditionally.
The class used to publish Auth instance internal event publisher.
The class which implements HvlAuthInstanceInternalEventPublisher
The class which implements HvlAuthAuthenticator.
The class which implements HvlAuthAuthenticationService.
Configuration for JWT.
Configuration for Authentication kafka.
Configuration for Authorization kafka.
The class which implements ApplicationListener to catch notification events.
The class which implements HvlAuthAuthenticator.
Configuration for Kerberos Authentication
Properties of authentication logger.
The class which implements HvlAuthAuthenticator.
The interface HvlAuthLdapAutoRegisterService.
The type HvlAuthLdapAutoRegisterServiceImpl.
The type HvlAuthLdapAutoRegistrationProperties.
The class that provides methods for producing logs sync.
The class which implements HvlAuthLoggerProducerProvider.
Properties of Authentication notification.
HvlAuthOidcAuthorityMatchChecker is a util bean which checks whether authority matches
A restful service which provides specific methods for oidc.
Properties of Oidc Client
A restful service which provides specific methods for oidc.
The type Hvl auth oidc constant.
The auth oidc logout response handler.
The type Hvl auth oidc properties.
Configuration for OAuth2.
Configuration for redis
The service stores the authorization token, code and context in redis.
The auth oidc redis session registry.
It is use to manage context service when redis profile is selected.
The type Hvl authorization consent service.
It is use to manage context data, it is default bean until another component is selected such as redis.
Profiles of Auth Server which is used to select which module will be scanned.
The type Hvl auth provider server props.
Configuration for Authentication Redis
An exception handler class for bpmn admin operations.
Configuration for Auth Server.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for authentication settings operations.
The interface HvlAuthSettingRestService.
This service provides operational methods.
A data transfer object is used for verification code operations
The interface Generation.
The interface Validation.
A data transfer object is used for verification notification event operations.
A data transfer object is used for notification event operations.
The class which implements HvlAuthVerificationCacheService for Redis.
A data transfer object is used for authentication verification requests.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for verification operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for authentication cloud.
This service provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthVerificationService.
A data transfer object is used for sms notification event operations.
The enum verification type.
Properties of Authentication Verification Regex.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserService.
Configuration for Authz Support Audit Cloud Client API support.
Configuration constants for Audit Cloud Client.
The enum Hvl authz audit group.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for audit.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for audit operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for audit.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzAuditService.
Configuration for Authz Authority Client API support.
Configuration constants for Authority.
The enum authority event log type.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for authority.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for authority operations.
A restful service which provides specific query methods for authority.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzAuthorityService
The type Hvl authz base service.
It is the class that provides language support.
The class which implements HvlAuthzBundleService.
Configuration for Authz Cloud Client API support.
Constants for Authz Cloud Client.
Configuration for Authz.
Configuration constants for Authz.
The class which implements HvlAuthzSessionService.
Error constants for Authorization.
The class which implements HvlAuthzEventNotifier.
Properties of Authz Log
This service provides send event.
The class which implements HvlAuthzEventNotifier.
Properties of Authz Operation
Properties of Authz.
HvlAuthzException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when unauthorized error occurs.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for google authenticator operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for google authenticator cloud.
This service provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzGoogleAuthenticatorService.
The class that enables to listen events in the application context conditionally.
The class used to publish Authz instance internal event publisher.
The class which implements HvlAuthzInstanceInternalEventPublisher
The class which implements HvlAuthzSessionService.
The class which implements ApplicationListener to catch notification events.
Properties of authz data.
Properties of authz ldap.
Configuration for Authz Support Logger Cloud Client API support.
Configuration constants for Logger Cloud Client.
The class that provides methods for producing logs sync.
The class which implements HvlAuthzLoggerProducerProvider.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for event log operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for event log.
Event log constants for Authz Lookup Module.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for lookup.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for lookup operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for lookups.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzLookupService.
Properties of Authz notification.
Event log constants for Authz Oidc Client Module.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for oidc client operations.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzOidcClientService.
The enum operation identifier type.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for password restriction.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for password restriction operations.
A restful service which provides specific query methods for password restriction.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzPasswordRestrictionService
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for predefined proxy.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for predefined proxy operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for predefined proxy.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods
The class which implements HvlAuthzPredefinedProxyService.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for predefined role.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for predefined role operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for predefined role.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzPredefinedRoleService.
The type predicate model provider.
Profiles of Authz Server which is used to select which module will be scanned.
A restful service which provides batch operational methods for profiles.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for profile batch processing operations.
This service provides profiles batch processing operational methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzProfileBatchProcessingService.
Configuration for Authz Profile Client API support.
Configuration constants for Profile.
The type profile detail import result model builder.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for profile detail.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for profile detail operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for profile detail.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzProfileDetailService.
Event log constants for Authz Profile Module.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for profile group.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for profile group operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for profile group.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzProfileGroupService.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for profile.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for profile operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for profile.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzProfileService.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for proxy admin.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for proxy admin operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for proxy admin.
Constants for Proxy Event Log.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for proxy.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for proxy operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for proxy.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzProxyService.
A data transfer object is used for notification event operations.
A data transfer object is used for registration event operations.
An exception handler class for bpmn admin operations.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for role.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for role operations.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for role assigner.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzRoleAssignerService.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for role batch processing operations.
A restful service which provides batch operational methods for roles.
This service provides roles batch processing operational methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzRoleBatchProcessingService.
Configuration for Authz Role Cloud Client API support.
Configuration constants for Role.
The enum role event log type.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for role group.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for role group operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for role group.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzRoleGroupService.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for role.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for role operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for role.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzRoleService.
Configuration for Authz Server.
Configuration for Authz Setting Client API support.
Configuration constants for Session Cloud Client.
The type Hvl authz session provider.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for session operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for session.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
HvlSessionServiceException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when unauthorized error occurs.
Configuration for Authz Support Cloud Client API support.
Configuration constants for Authz Support Cloud Client.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for system user.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for user operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for system user.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzSystemUserService.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for tag.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for tag operations.
A restful service which provides specific query methods for tag.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzTagService
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for trusted proxy.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for proxy operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for proxy.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzTrustedProxyService.
Properties of authz url.
A restful service which provides batch operational methods for users.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for user batch operations.
This service provides users batch processing operational methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserBatchProcessingService.
The type batch processing result model builder.
Configuration for User Cloud Client API support.
Configuration constants for User.
The interface HvlAuthzUserDataProxyService.
The type HvlAuthzUserDataProxyService.
The type batch processing user delete model builder.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for user detail.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for user detail operations.
This service provides users detail batch processing operational methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserDetailService.
The class that provides user detail data import method.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserDetailDataProvider.
The type user detail import result model builder.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for user detail.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for user detail operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for user detail.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserDetailService.
Constants for User Event Log.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for generator operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for user field value generator.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserFieldValueGeneratorService.
The type batch processing result model builder.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for user.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for user password policy.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for user password policy operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for user password policy.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserPasswordPolicyService.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserRegistrationCacheService for Redis.
This service provides operational methods.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for registration operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for user registration.
This service provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserRegistrationService.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for user operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for user.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserService.
The class which extends HvlAuthzUserServiceImpl.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for user strategy.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for strategy operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for user strategy.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlAuthzUserStrategyService.
A validation annotation to ensure that fields not empty.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlAuthConfiguration of the Authentication Starter package.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlAuthzConfiguration of the Menu starter package.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlOAuthLdapConfiguration of the Ldap Starter package.
The annotation to enable configuration of the session data provider package.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlSessionConfiguration of the Session Starter package.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlEventAuthorityConfiguration of the Event Starter package.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlEventProfileConfiguration of the Event Starter package.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlEventProxyConfiguration of the Event Starter package.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlEventRoleConfiguration of the Event Starter package.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlEventConfiguration of the event starter package.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlEventUserConfiguration of the Event Starter package.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
The annotation to enable configuration of the database provider package.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
The annotation to enable configuration of the oauth oidc client package.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Configuration for Event Authority.
Configuration constants for Event Authority.
Configuration for Event Authority Kafka.
Configuration constants for Event Authority Kafka.
Kafka consumer for Authority Notification Events.
Properties of Event used for authority operations.
Configuration for event.
Configuration constants for event.
The interface event consumer.
Configuration for event kafka configuration.
Properties of authz data.
Kafka consumer for Predefined Proxy Events.
Properties of event used for predefined proxy operations.
Kafka consumer for Predefined Role Notification Events.
Properties of Event used for predefined role operations.
Profiles of Event which is used to select which module will be scanned.
Configuration for Event Profile.
Configuration constants for Event Profile.
Properties of event used for profile detail operations.
Kafka consumer for Profile Group Events.
Properties of event used for profile group operations.
Configuration for Event Profile Kafka.
Configuration constants for event profile kafka.
Kafka consumer for Profile Events.
Properties of event used for profile operations.
Configuration for Event Proxy.
Configuration constants for Event Proxy.
Configuration for Event Proxy Kafka.
Configuration constants for Event Proxy Kafka.
Kafka consumer for Proxy Events.
Properties of Event used for proxy operations.
Kafka consumer for Role Assiger Notification Events.
Properties of Event used for role assigner operations.
Configuration for Event Role.
Configuration constants for Event Role.
Kafka consumer for Role Group Notification Events.
Properties of Event used for role group operations.
Configuration for Event Role Group Kafka.
Configuration constants for Event Role Kafka.
Kafka consumer for Role Notification Events.
Properties of Event used for role operations.
Configuration for Event Server.
Properties of event used for mail operations.
Kafka consumer for Trusted Proxy Events.
Properties of Event used for trusted proxy operations.
Configuration for Event User.
Configuration constants for Event User.
Properties of Event used for user detail operations.
Configuration for event user kafka
Configuration constants for Event User Kafka.
Kafka consumer for user events.
Properties of Event used for user password policy operations.
Properties of event used for user operations.
Kafka consumer for User Strategy Events.
Properties of Event used for user strategy operations.
RegisteredClientRepository is used to manage client datas in database
It is use to manage application keys (public/private)
Util class for rsa key generation.
Token enhancer is used to add/remove data from/to token.
Abstract class for ldap common util operations
The model using ldap entry addition operation to group.
Ldap objectClass attribute'u icin kullanilacak ozellik sinifidir.
Ldap yetkilendirme ile ilgili ozelliklerin tanimlandigi siniftir.
A data transfer object is used for authentication request.
Ldap yetkilendirme ile ilgili ozelliklerin tanimlandigi siniftir.
Ldap username attribute'u icin ozellik sinifidir.
Ldap base model class
Configuration for Ldap Cloud Client API support.
Configuration for common operations.
Statik degiskenlerin bulundugu siniftir.
Configuration constants for Ldap.
Ldap constants
Configuration for entry.
Mapper class using for mapping from attribute to model
Ldap entry model class
A restful service which provides specific methods for ldap operations.
The class is a service using for ldap entry operations.
The class which implements HvlLdapEntryProvider
A restful service which provides specific methods for ldap operations.
Error constants for LDAP.
Ldap icin รถzellistirilmis exception sinifidir.
Configuration for group.
The Mapper class using for mapping from context to OU as string.
Ldap group model class
A restful service which provides specific methods for ldap operations.
The class is a service using for ldap group operations
The class which implements HvlLdapGroupProvider
A restful service which provides specific methods for ldap operations.
Ldap group update model class
The Mapper class using for mapping from context to OU as string.
Ldap home directory attribute'u icin ozellik sinifidir.
Ldap password attribute'u icin ozellik sinifidir.
Ldap password attribute'u icin ozellik sinifidir.
Ldap group create iรงin kullanฤฑlacak attributes property'lerini tutan sฤฑnฤฑf.
Ldap password attribute'u icin ozellik sinifidir.
The property class for ou object class attributes
Ldap objectClass attribute'u icin kullanilacak ozellik sinifidir.
Configuration for ou.
Ldap organization unit model class
The interface Hvl ldap ou operational rest service.
The Mapper class using for mapping from context to OU as string.
The class is a service using for ldap ou operations
The class which implements HvlLdapOuProvider
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The interface Hvl ldap ou rest service.
Ldap organization unit update model class.
Profiles of Ldap Provider.
Profiles of Ldap Server which is used to select which module will be scanned.
The class is a service using for ldap common operations.
Basic configuration class for ldap provider.
The class which implements HvlLdapProvider
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
Ldap rename model class
A restful service which provides specific methods for ldap operations.
Ldap password attribute'u icin ozellik sinifidir.
Configuration for Ldap Server.
Ldap type enum
Ldap islemleri icin kullanilan yardimci metodlarin bulundugu siniftir.
A validation group for HvlLdapBaseModel and associated service methods
The interface Insert.
The type notification request model provider.
A validation annotation to ensure that a field does not contain any whitespace characters.
A validation class to check for whitespace characters.
Entry point filter is used to control every request should be filtered or whether authenticated or not.
Properties for oauth2 provider urls to be determined which addresses is where.
Auth Entry Point component is used to redirect request to login url when an error happens or unauthorized request comes
HvlOAuthAbstractCaptchaService is an abstract class to provide useful common method to validate captcha.
Abstract class for password change models
The type abstract entity claim relation query generator.
Base class for relation query generator which is used to prepare query.
Base class for relation query generator which is used to prepare query.
Configuration for Acquired.
Configuration constants for Acquired.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAcquiredProfileDetailManager.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAcquiredProfileExpressionGenerator.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAcquiredProfileManager.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAcquiredProxyManager.
The type acquired query provider.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAcquiredRoleExpressionGenerator.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAcquiredRoleManager.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAcquiredUserManager.
An entity class which defines audit fields
Configuration for Audit.
Configuration constants for Audit.
The converter is used for converting providing Integer data to HvlAuthzAuditGroup
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAuditManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthAuditModel and HvlOAuthAudit
A data transfer object is used for audit operations.
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAuditOperationalManager.
HvlOAuthAuditQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthAudit
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthAudit.
An entity class which defines authority fields
The enum authority assignable entity type.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch claim data from projection operations.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is authority claim query model builder.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
Configuration for Authority.
Configuration constants for Authority.
Authority constraints.
A data transfer object is used for authority operations.
Error constants for Authority Module.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAuthorityManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthAuthorityModel and HvlOAuthAuthority
A data transfer object is used for authority operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAuthorityOperationalManager.
Authority operation info event model.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
A data transfer object is used for authority profile group relation operations.
An entity class which defines authority profile group fields
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAuthorityProfileGroupRelManager.
This manager provides operational methods.
HvlOAuthAuthorityProfileGroupRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthAuthorityProfileGroupRel
HvlOAuthAuthorityProfileGroupRelQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
A class to construct a query model with given fields
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthAuthorityProfileGroupRel.
HvlOAuthAuthorityQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthAuthority
HvlOAuthAuthorityQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type authority query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthAuthority.
A data transfer object is used for authority tag relation projections.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthAuthorityTagPersistModel and HvlOAuthAuthorityTagRel
A data transfer object is used for authority tag relation operations.
An entity class which defines authority tag fields
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthAuthorityTagRelOperationalManager.
HvlOAuthAuthorityTagRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthAuthorityTagRel
HvlOAuthAuthorityQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type authority tag rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthAuthorityTagRel.
HvlOAuthAuthorityQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
The type is base data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
A filtered data transfer object is used for batch processing operation
A filtered data transfer object is used for base operation model
The type base operational model builder.
An entity class which defines predefined proxy fields
HvlOAuthBasePredefinedProxyQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthBasePredefinedProxy
An entity class which defines profile fields.
The type is base query generator for profile claim.
An entity class which defines profile detail fields
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
HvlOAuthBaseProfileDetailQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthBaseProfileDetail
The type is base query generator for profile group claim.
HvlOAuthBaseProfileQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthBaseProfile
An entity class which defines proxy fields
HvlOAuthBaseProxyQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthBaseProxy
The type is base query generator for role claim.
The type is base query generator for role group claim.
The type is base data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
The type is base data filter query transfer object for role and relations.
An entity class which defines trusted proxy fields
HvlOAuthBaseTrustedProxyQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthBaseTrustedProxy
An entity class which defines user fields.
The type is base query generator for user claim.
HvlOAuthBaseUserQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthBaseUser
The type Hvl oauth batch process constraint.
A data transfer object is used for batch processing error message.
A data transfer object is used for batch processing operation result.
The type batch processing result model builder.
The type Hvl oauth batch process model validator.
A data transfer object is used for batch change user password
A filtered data transfer object is used for batch process user lock operation
The enum Hvl o auth captcha error code enum.
The type Hvl o auth captcha image provider service.
The type HvlOAuthCaptchaResponse is used for mapped to captcha response.
The interface HvlOAuthCaptchaService.
Error constants for Captcha Verification.
HvlOAuthCaptchaVerificationException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when captcha not validated.
The type HvlOAuthCaptchaVerificationProperties.
Configuration for Captcha Verification Provider.
Configuration constants for Captcha Verification Provider.
The interface available data model structure.
The interface available data model structure.
The class is a container for constraint group types.
The interface predicating operation.
The interface Registration operation.
The interface Registration validation operation.
Utility class.
The interface claim data model structure.
Error constants for common error.
The class which implements HvlOAuthEventNotifier.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
A data transfer object is used for event log operations.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The interface OAuth event notifier.
HvlOAuthException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when general auth errors occur.
Constants for file extension.
The type HvlOAuthGoogleAuthenticationVerificationProperties.
Configuration for Google Authentication Provider.
HvlOAuthGoogleAuthenticationProviderConfigurationConstant o auth google authentication provider configuration constant.
Error constants for Google Authentication.
HvlOAuthGoogleAuthenticationException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when captcha not validated.
The type Hvl o auth google authentication service.
The type HvlOAuthGoogleAuthenticatorServiceImpl.
The enum Hvl o auth google authenticator token data model
Configuration for Jpa Data Provider.
Constants for Jpa Database Provider.
Constants for Jpa Database Provider.
Expression Constants for Jpa Database Provider.
This service provides ldap base operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthLdapBaseService.
Configuration for Ldap.
Ldap constraints.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for ldap entry operations.
This service provides ldap entry operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthLdapEntryService.
Error constants for Ldap.
HvlLdapException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when ldap error occurs.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for ldap group operations.
This service provides group operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthLdapEntryService.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for ou operations.
This service provides ldap ou operational methods.
The type Hvl o auth ldap ou service.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for ldap operations.
This service provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthLdapServiceImpl.
An entity class which defines event type fields
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthLogEventTypeManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthEventLogTypeModel and HvlOAuthLogEventType
HvlOAuthLogEventTypeQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthLogEventType
HvlOAuthLogEventTypeQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthLogEventType.
Configuration for Logger.
Configuration constants for Logger.
An entity class which is defines lookup fields.
Configuration for Lookup.
Configuration constants for Lookup.
Lookup constraints.
The type lookup error constant.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthLookupModel and HvlOAuthLookup
The custom mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthLookupModel and HvlOAuthLookup with setting values
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthLookupManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthLookupModel and HvlOAuthLookup
A data transfer object is used for lookup operations.
This manager provides crud operations.
The class which implements HvlOAuthLookupOperationalManager.
The type lookup operation info event model.
Contains the types of lookup parameter available in the system
HvlOAuthLookupQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthLookup
HvlOAuthLookupQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type lookup query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthLookup.
This class consists of static utility methods for operating on objects, or checking certain conditions before operation.
An entity class which is used for oidc client operations
Oidc Constraint.
The type oidc client error constant.
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthOidcClientManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthOidcClientModel and HvlOAuthOidcClient
A data transfer object is used for oidc update operations.
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthOidcClientOperationalManager.
Oidc client operation info event model.
HvlOAuthOidcClientQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthOidcClient
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
Configuration for Oidc.
Configuration constants for Oidc.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthOidcClient.
A validation annotation to ensure that fields not empty.
The type Hvl o auth uuid or integration code validator.
The enum OAuth event type.
The type Hvl o auth operation info event model.
The type operation notice info event model.
A data transfer object which is used to predicate query.
An entity class which defines password restriction fields
Password restriction constraints.
This manager provides query methods.
The type Hvl o auth password restriction manager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthPasswordRestrictionModel and HvlOAuthPasswordRestriction
A data transfer object is used for password restriction operations.
This manager provides operational methods.
HvlOAuthPasswordRestrictionQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthPasswordRestriction
HvlOAuthPasswordBlackListQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthPasswordRestriction.
An entity class which defines predefined proxy fields
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyModel and HvlOAuthPredefinedProxy
A data transfer object is used for predefined proxy operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyOperationalManager.
The type predefined proxy operation info event model.
An entity class which defines predefined proxy detail fields
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyModel and HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyPersist
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyPersistQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyPersist
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyPersist.
HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthPredefinedProxy
The type Hvl o auth predefined proxy query generator.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is predefined proxy query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthPredefinedProxy.
An entity class which defines predefined proxy fields
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyRoleRelModel and HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyRoleRel
A data transfer object is used for role authority relation operations
This manager provides operational methods.
HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyRoleRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyRoleRel
The type Hvl o auth predefined proxy role rel query generator.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is predefined proxy role rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthPredefinedProxyRoleRel.
An entity class which defines predefined role fields
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthPredefinedRoleManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthPredefinedRoleModel and HvlOAuthPredefinedRole
A data transfer object is used for predefined role operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthPredefinedRoleOperationalManager.
The type predefined role operation info event model.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
HvlOAuthPredefinedRoleQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthPredefinedRole
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is predefined role query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthPredefinedRole.
An entity class which defines profile fields
A data transfer object which is used to predicate query.
The enum profile assignable entity type.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch claim data from projection operations.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
Configuration for Profile.
Configuration constants for Profile.
Profile constraints.
A data transfer object is used for profile copy operations.
A data transfer object is used for profile data operations.
An entity class which defines profile detail fields
The enum profile group assignable entity type.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch claim data from projection operations.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile detail claim query model builder.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
Profile Detail constraints.
A data transfer object is used for profile detail import operations.
A data transfer object is used for profile detail data operations.
The class that provides profile detail data import method
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileDetailDataProvider.
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileDetailManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileDetailModel and HvlOAuthProfileDetail
A data transfer object is used for profile detail operations.
An entity class which defines profile detail name field
A data transfer object is used for profile detail operations.
HvlOAuthProfileDetailNameQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileDetailName
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileDetailOperationalManager.
Profile detail operation info event model.
An entity class which defines profile detail fields
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileDetailModel and HvlOAuthProfileDetailPersist
HvlOAuthProfileDetailPersistQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileDetailPersist
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthUserPersist.
HvlOAuthProfileDetailQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileDetail
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile detail query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfileDetail.
An entity class which defines profile detail types
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileDetailTypeModel and HvlOAuthProfileDetailType
A data transfer object is used for profile detail type operations
HvlOAuthProfileDetailTypeQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileDetailType
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
Error constants for Profile Module.
An entity classwhich is used for grouping profiles for managing them together easily
The enum profile group assignable entity type.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch claim data from projection operations.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
Profile Group constraints.
A data transfer object is used for profile group persist operations.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileGroupManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileGroupModel and HvlOAuthProfileGroup
A data transfer object is used for profile group operations
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileGroupManager.
Profile group operation info event model.
A data transfer object is used for profile group persist operations.
A data transfer object is used for profile group profile detail persist operations.
An entity class which is used as a wrapper for many to many relation between HvlOAuthProfileGroup and HvlOAuthProfileDetail
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist data.
HvlOAuthProfileGroupProfileDetailRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileGroupProfileDetailRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile group profile detail rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfileDetail.
A data transfer object is used for profile group profile persist operations.
An entity class which is used as a wrapper for many to many relation between HvlOAuthProfileGroup and HvlOAuthProfile
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileGroupProfileRelManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileGroupProfileRelModel and HvlOAuthProfileGroupProfileRel
A data transfer object is used for profile group, profile relation operations
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileGroupProfileRelManager.
HvlOAuthProfileGroupProfileRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileGroupProfileRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile group profile rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfileGroupProfileRel.
HvlOAuthProfileGroupQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileGroup
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile group query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfileGroup.
A data transfer object is used for profile group role group persist operations.
An entity class which is used as a wrapper for many to many relation between HvlOAuthProfileGroup and HvlOAuthRoleGroup
The mapper is used for mapping to HvlOAuthProfileGroupRoleGroupRel
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
HvlOAuthProfileGroupRoleGroupRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileGroupRoleGroupRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile group role group rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfileGroupRoleGroupRel.
A data transfer object is used for profile group, role group relation operations
A data transfer object is used for profile group role persist operations.
An entity class which is used as a wrapper for many to many relation between HvlOAuthProfileGroup and HvlOAuthRole
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileGroupRoleRelModel and HvlOAuthProfileGroupRoleRel
A data transfer object is used for profile group role relation operations
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
HvlOAuthProfileGroupRoleRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileGroupRoleRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile group role rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfileGroupRoleRel.
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileModel and HvlOAuthProfile
A data transfer object is used for profile update operations.
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileOperationalManager.
Profile operation info event model.
An entity class which defines profile detail fields
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileModel and HvlOAuthProfilePersist
A data transfer object is used for profile profile detail persist operations.
HvlOAuthProfilePersistQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfilePersist
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfilePersist.
A data transfer object is used for profile profile detail persist operations.
An entity class which is used as a wrapper for many to many relation between HvlOAuthProfile and HvlOAuthProfileDetail
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileProfileDetailRelManager.
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist data.
HvlOAuthProfileProfileDetailRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileProfileDetailRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile profile detail rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfileProfileDetailRel.
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
HvlOAuthProfileQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfile
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile query model builder.
The enum profile report type.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfile.
A data transfer object which is used to profile reset model.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileRoleGroupRelModel and HvlOAuthProfileRoleGroupRel
A data transfer object is used for profile role group persist operations.
An entity class which is used as a wrapper for many to many relation between HvlOAuthProfile and HvlOAuthRoleGroup
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileRoleGroupRelManager.
A data transfer object is used for profile role group relation operations
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
HvlOAuthProfileRoleGroupRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileRoleGroupRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile role group rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfileRoleGroupRel.
A data transfer object is used for profile role persist operations.
A data transfer object is used for profile role persist operations.
A data transfer object is used for profile role persist operations.
A data transfer object is used for profile role relation operations.
An entity class which is used as a wrapper for many to many relation between HvlOAuthProfile and HvlOAuthRole
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelModel and HvlOAuthProfileRoleRel
A data transfer object is used for profile role relation operations
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelOperationalManager.
HvlOAuthProfileRoleRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProfileRoleRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is profile role rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProfileRoleRel.
The type profile user claim data model.
A data transfer object is used for profile user data operations.
An entity class which defines proxy fields
Configuration for Proxy.
Configuration constants for Proxy.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
A filtered data transfer object is used for proxy operations
The type predefined proxy,proxy,trusted proxy error constant.
A data transfer object is used for proxy from trusted proxy operations
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProxyManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProxyModel and HvlOAuthProxy
A data transfer object is used for proxy operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProxyOperationalManager.
The type role group operation info event model.
An entity class which defines proxy fields
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProxyModel and HvlOAuthProxyPersist
A data transfer object is used for proxy,proxy role persist operation.
HvlOAuthProxyPersistQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProxyPersist
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProxyPersist.
HvlOAuthProxyQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProxy
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is proxy query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProxy.
An entity class which is used to relation between HvlOAuthRole and HvlOAuthProxy
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthProxyRoleRelModel and HvlOAuthProxyRoleRel
A data transfer object is used for proxy role operations
The type Hvl o auth proxy role rel model.
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthProxyRoleRelOperationalManager.
HvlOAuthProxyRoleRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthProxyRoleRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is proxy role rel query model builder
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthProxyRoleRel.
The HvlOAuthRecaptchaVerificationService is a service using for validate captcha.
The type report error constant.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The enum report type.
An entity class which defines role fields
The enum role assignable entity type.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleAssignerManager.
The type role assigner operation info event model.
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleManager.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
An entity class which is used to relation between HvlOAuthRole and HvlOAuthProfileDetail for Role Assigner
A service in which includes custom methods used to persist/retrieve data.
A data transfer object is used for role assigner profile detail relation operations
This manager provides operational methods.
HvlOAuthRoleAssignerProfileDetailRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthRoleAssignerProfileDetailRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is role assigner profile detail rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthRoleAssignerProfileDetailRel.
An entity class which is used to relation between HvlOAuthRole and HvlOAuthProfileGroup for Role Assigner
A data transfer object is used for role assigner profile group relation operations
This manager provides operational methods.
HvlOAuthRoleAssignerProfileGroupRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthRoleAssignerProfileGroupRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is role assigner profile group rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthRoleAssignerProfileGroupRel.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
An entity class which is used to relation between HvlOAuthRole and HvlOAuthRoleGroup for Role Assigner
A data transfer object is used for role assigner role group relation operations
This manager provides operational methods.
HvlOAuthRoleAssignerRoleGroupRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthRoleAssignerRoleGroupRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is role assigner role group rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthRoleAssignerRoleGroupRel.
An entity class which is used to relation between HvlOAuthRole and HvlOAuthAuthority
This manager provides retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleAuthorityRelManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthRoleAuthorityRelModel and HvlOAuthRoleAuthorityRel
A data transfer object is used for role authority relation operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleAuthorityRelOperationalManager.
HvlOAuthRoleAuthorityRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthRoleAuthorityRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is role authority rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthRoleAuthorityRel.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch claim data from projection operations.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
Configuration for Role.
Constants for Role.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
The type role error constant.
An entity class which defines role group fields.
The enum role assignable entity type.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch claim data from projection operations.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleGroupManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthRoleGroupModel and HvlOAuthRoleGroup
A data transfer object is used for role group operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleGroupManager.
The type role group operation info event model.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
HvlOAuthRoleGroupQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthRoleGroup
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is role group query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthRoleGroup.
An entity class which is used to relation between HvlOAuthRole and HvlOAuthRoleGroup
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelModel and HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRel
A data transfer object is used for role group role relation operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelOperationalManager.
HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is role group role rel query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRel.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthRoleModel and HvlOAuthRole
A data transfer object is used for role operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleManager.
The type role operation info event model.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
A data transfer object is used for profile role relation operations.
HvlOAuthRoleQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthRole
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is role query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthRole.
OAuth security authority constants.
OAuth Server Application.
Configuration for OAuth Server.
Configuration constants for OAuth Server.
Profiles of OAuth Server which is used to select which module will be scanned.
A data transfer object is used for session operations
Constants for OAuth Settings.
The class which implements HvlOAuthSettingIntegrationProvider.
The type Setting integration exception.
This service provides generate model.
The class which implements HvlOAuthSettingIntegrationGenerator.
Properties of Setting.
This service provides retrieve methods.
Configuration for Setting Integration Provider.
Configuration constants for Setting Integration Provider.
The class which implements HvlOAuthSettingIntegrationProvider.
The type Setting not found exception.
Constants for Support.
Error constants for Support.
An entity class which defines system user fields.
A data transfer object is used for system user data operations.
Error constants for System User Module.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthSystemUserManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthSystemUserModel and HvlOAuthSystemUser
The custom mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthSystemUserDataModel and HvlOAuthSystemUser with setting values
A data transfer object is system used for user operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthSystemUserOperationalManager.
HvlOAuthSystemUserQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthSystemUser
HvlOAuthSystemUserQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthSystemUser.
An entity class which defines tag fields
Tag constraints.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthTagManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthTagModel and HvlOAuthTag
A data transfer object is used for tag operations.
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthTagOperationalManager.
HvlOAuthTagQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthTag
HvlOAuthTagQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type tag query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthTag.
An entity class which defines trusted proxy fields
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
The type is data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthTrustedProxyManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthTrustedProxyModel and HvlOAuthTrustedProxy
A data transfer object is used for trusted proxy operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthTrustedProxyOperationalManager.
The type trusted proxy operation info event model.
An entity class which defines trusted proxy fields
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthTrustedProxyModel and HvlOAuthTrustedProxyPersist
The type is data transfer object that it is used to pass data to persistence operations.
HvlOAuthTrustedProxyPersistQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthTrustedProxyPersist
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthTrustedProxyPersist.
HvlOAuthTrustedProxyQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthTrustedProxy
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is trusted proxy query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthTrustedProxy.
An entity class which is used to relation between HvlOAuthRole and HvlOAuthTrustedProxy
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthTrustedProxyRoleRelModel and HvlOAuthTrustedProxyRoleRel
A data transfer object is used for trusted proxy role relation operations
This manager provides operational methods.
HvlOAuthTrustedProxyRoleRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthTrustedProxyRoleRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is trusted proxy role rel query model builder
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthTrustedProxyRoleRel.
An entity class which is used as a wrapper for relation between HvlOAuthUser and HvlOAuthTrustedProxy
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthTrustedProxyUserRelModel and HvlOAuthTrustedProxyUserRel
A data transfer object is used for trusted proxy user relation operations
This manager provides operational methods.
HvlOAuthTrustedProxyUserRelQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthTrustedProxyUserRel
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is trusted proxy user rel query model builder
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthTrustedProxyUserRel.
An entity class which defines user fields.
HvlActivePasswordPolicyDeletionException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when password policy deletion error occurs.
The enum user assignable entity type.
A data transfer object is used for change user password by admin
A data transfer object is used for change user password
A data transfer object is used for change user password
The type user claim data model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
Configuration for User.
Configuration constants for User.
User constraints.
HvlOAuthUserDataClaimQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare claim data predicate according to provided query model.
A filtered data transfer object is used for user operations
A filtered data transfer object is used for user delete operation.
An entity class which defines report fields.
User Detail constraints.
A data transfer object is used for user detail import operations.
A filtered data transfer object is used for user detail operations
Error constants for User Detail.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthUserDetailManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserDetailModel and HvlOAuthUserDetail
A data transfer object is used for user detail operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthUserDetailOperationalManager.
The type user detail operation info event model.
HvlOAuthUserDetailQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthUserDetail
HvlOAuthUserDetailQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type user detail query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthUserDetail.
Error constants for User.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthUserFieldValueGeneratorProvider.
The enum user generator email strategy.
The converter is used for converting providing Integer data to HvlOAuthUserGeneratorEmailStrategy
The enum user generator strategy type.
The enum user generator username strategy.
The converter is used for converting providing Integer data to HvlOAuthUserGeneratorUsernameStrategy
A data transfer object is used for user info operations.
A data transfer object which is used to predicate query.
An entity class which defines user ldap fields.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The type Hvl o auth user ldap operation.
A data transfer object is used for user ldap data selection
The type HvlOAuthUserLdapPersistModel is used to save user record with ldap entry for specific ou.
HvlOAuthUserLdapQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthUserLdap
The type HvlOAuthUserLdapResultModel shows the failed records situation while bulk ldap entry saving.
A filtered data transfer object is used for user lock operation
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthUserManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserModel and HvlOAuthUser
A data transfer object which is used to user migration data transfer model.
A data transfer object which is used to user migration model.
A data transfer object is used for user operations
An entity store the user's old password data to be compared with new password.
HvlOAuthUserOldPasswordQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthUserOldPassword
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthUserOldPassword
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthUserOperationalManager.
The type user operation info event model.
An entity class which defines password policy fields.
Password Policy constraints.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthUserPasswordPolicyManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserPasswordPolicyModel and HvlOAuthUserPasswordPolicy
The custom mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserModel and HvlOAuthUser with setting values
A data transfer object is used for password policy operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The type user password policy operation info event model.
HvlOAuthUserPasswordPolicyQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthUserPasswordPolicy
HvlOAuthUserPasswordPolicyQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type user password policy query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthUserPasswordPolicy.
The class that provides the password encryption method
The class which implements HvlOAuthUserPasswordProvider.
An entity class which defines user fields.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserModel and HvlOAuthUser
HvlOAuthUserPersistQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthUserPersist
HvlOAuthUserQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthUserPersist.
Error constants for User Policy.
A data transfer object which is used to predicate query.
HvlOAuthUserQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthUser
HvlOAuthUserQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type user query model builder.
A data transfer object is used for user operations
A data transfer object is used for user registration operations
The enum user registration source type
The converter is used for converting providing Integer data to HvlOAuthUserRegistrationSourceType
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthUser.
An entity class which defines strategy fields.
Strategy constraints.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthUserStrategyManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserStrategyModel and HvlOAuthUserStrategy
The custom mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserModel and HvlOAuthUser with setting values
A data transfer object is used for strategy operations
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthUserStrategyOperationalManager.
The type user strategy operation info event model.
HvlOAuthUserStrategyQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthUserStrategy
HvlOAuthUserStrategyQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type user strategy query model builder.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlOAuthUserStrategy.
An entity class which defines user types.
A filtered data transfer object is used for user type operations
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserTypeModel and HvlOAuthUserType
A data transfer object is used for user type operations
HvlOAuthUserTypeQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlOAuthUserType
The custom mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserModel and HvlOAuthUser with setting values
The custom mapper is used for mapping between HvlOAuthUserModel and HvlOAuthUser with setting values
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlOAuthzLoggerSearchService.
A data transfer object is used for profile detail data import operation result.
A data transfer object is used for user detail data import operation result.
Auto configuration class for oidc client.
Oidc client constants
Oidc client registration properties class for oidc client.
The type Registration.
Mapper bean from OidcUserInfoAuthenticationContext to OidcUserInfo.
Predefined Proxy constraints.
Proxy constraints.
Role constraints.
Role Group constraints.
Configuration for Session Cloud Client API support.
A restful service which provides specific methods for session cloud.
Configuration for Session.
Configuration constants for Session.
Error constants for Session Data.
The interface Identifier generator.
The class which implements HvlSessionDataIdGenerator.
A data provider in which includes custom methods session.
It is the class that provides language support.
The class which implements HvlSessionDataProviderBundleService.
Configuration for Session Data Provider.
Configuration constants for Session Data Provider.
Constants for Session Event Log.
Properties of Session data.
Properties of Session log.
Profiles of Session Data Provider which is used to select which module will be scanned.
A data transfer object is used for Redis session authority document.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlSessionDataRedisDocument and HvlSessionรง
The class which implements HvlSessionDataRedisAuthorityDocumentMapper.
Custom interface for redis authority operations.
A service in which includes custom methods used to retrieve redis authority data.
The class which implements HvlSessionDataRedisAuthoritySupportService.
Configuration constants for Redis.
Constants for Redis.
A data transfer object is used for Redis session document.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlSessionDataRedisDocument and HvlSession
The class which implements HvlSessionDataRedisDocumentMapper.
Custom interface for redis operations.
Configuration for Session Key Space.
The class which implements HvlSessionDataProvider.
A service in which includes custom methods used to retrieve redis data.
A data transfer object is used for Redis session document.
The class which implements HvlSessionDataRedisDocumentMapper.
Custom interface for redis operations.
A service that provides single session support
A data transfer object is used for Redis session document.
The class which implements HvlSessionDataRedisDocumentMapper.
The class which implements HvlSessionDataRedisSupportService.
HvlSessionException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when general auth errors occur.
Profiles of Session Server which is used to select which configuration will be scanned.
The class which implements HvlSecuritySessionProvider.
The class that provides methods for producing logs sync.
The class which implements HvlSessionProviderLoggerProducerProvider.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
Configuration constants for Redis.
The class which implements HvlSessionService
The class in which service endpoints are defined for session operations.
Configuration for Session Server.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
A restful service which provides specific methods for system session cloud.
A data provider in which includes custom methods system session.
The class which implements HvlSystemSessionDataProvider.
The class which implements HvlSystemSessionService
The class in which service endpoints are defined for session operations for system users.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
Trusted Proxy constraints.
The interface Hvl user data service.
The type Hvl user data proxy service.
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a result.
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a result.