Class HvlAuthzBaseService

Direct Known Subclasses:
HvlAuthzAuthorityServiceImpl, HvlAuthzLookupServiceImpl, HvlAuthzProfileDetailServiceImpl, HvlAuthzProfileGroupServiceImpl, HvlAuthzProfileServiceImpl

public abstract class HvlAuthzBaseService extends Object
The type Hvl authz base service.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • sendLogAndOperationEvent

      protected void sendLogAndOperationEvent(String eventLogType, String eventLogBundleKey, Map<String,Object> eventLogAttributeMap, HvlOAuthOperationInfoEventModel infoEventModel)
      Send log and operation event.
      eventLogType - the event log type
      eventLogBundleKey - the event log bundle key
      eventLogAttributeMap - the event log attribute map
      infoEventModel - the info event model
    • sendLogAndOperationEvent

      protected void sendLogAndOperationEvent(String uuid, String eventLogType, String eventLogBundleKey, HvlOAuthOperationInfoEventModel infoEventModel)
      Send log and operation event.
      uuid - the uuid
      eventLogType - the event log type
      eventLogBundleKey - the event log bundle key
      infoEventModel - the info event model
    • sendLog

      protected void sendLog(String eventLogType, String eventLogBundleKey, Map<String,Object> eventLogAttributeMap)
      Send log.
      eventLogType - the event log type
      eventLogBundleKey - the event log bundle key
      eventLogAttributeMap - the event log attribute map
    • sendLog

      protected void sendLog(String uuid, String eventLogType, String eventLogBundleKey)
      Send log.
      uuid - the uuid
      eventLogType - the event log type
      eventLogBundleKey - the event log bundle key
    • sendOperationEvent

      protected void sendOperationEvent(HvlOAuthOperationInfoEventModel infoEventModel)
      Send operation event.
      infoEventModel - the info event model