All Classes and Interfaces

The annotation to enable configuration HvlQuartzContextConfiguration of the Quartz context.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Configuration for the reporting tool.
Configuration constants for the reporting tool.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlEnableRToolConfiguration of the reporting tool starter package.
The type is a configuration for Quartz context.
The type contains quartz context configuration constants.
The type is a Quartz job execution listener which is used to catch job execution events.
The type contains Quartz scheduler property keys as constant.
The type is a utility class for Quartz context.
Report Server Application.
Configuration for Report Server.
Configuration constants for Report Server.
Contains the spring profiles that the application uses.
The interface that is used to process batched report import.
The class which implements HvlRToolBatchedReportImportProcessor.
The type is data transfer object that uses for report template caching operation.
Configuration for reporting tool cloud client API support.
Constants for reporting tool cloud client.
The type is a common utility class for the reporting tool.
The type contains entity constants which are related with the reporting tool.
Error constants for reporting tool.
When any operation error occurs, the type is thrown as exception with errorCode and errorMessage.
The type is an entity class which defines fields of the executable report.
The type is base data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlRToolExecutableReportManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlRToolExecutableReportModel and HvlRToolExecutableReport
A data transfer object is used for executable report operations.
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlRToolExecutableReportOperationalManager.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for executable report.
HvlRToolExecutableReportQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlRToolExecutableReport
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is data transfer object to querying operations.
The type is used to build query model.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlRToolExecutableReport.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for executable report operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for executable report.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlRToolExecutableReportService.
The type represents reporting tool executable report types.
The types is an attribute converter to JPA entity enum field operations.
The mapper is used for mapping between supplied models.
The type is data transfer object that uses for report importing operation.
The type is implementation which serves Jasper Report abilities to all reporting operations.
The type contains locale-specific key-value properties.
The type represents reporting tool param value fetching methods.
The types is an attribute converter to JPA entity enum field operations.
The type represents reporting tool param value types.
The types is an attribute converter to JPA entity enum field operations.
The type is a report attributes utility class for the reporting tool.
The type is an entity class which defines fields of the report authority.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlRToolReportAuthorityModel and HvlRToolReportAuthority
A data transfer object is used for report executing parameter operations.
HvlRToolReportAuthorityQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlRToolReportAuthority
The type is data transfer object to querying operations.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlRToolReportAuthority.
The type contains constraint values which are related with the report.
The type is a helper interface for easy access to report data adapters.
Properties of report data adapters.
The type is a manager interface for selecting report data sources according to data source key.
The type represents reporting tool report data source types.
The types is an attribute converter to JPA entity enum field operations.
The type is abstract class to all operations which is provided from report engine.
Report engine constants for the reporting tool.
The type is an entity class which defines fields of the report executing parameter.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlRToolReportExecutingParamModel and HvlRToolReportExecutingParam
A data transfer object is used for report executing parameter operations.
HvlRToolReportExecutingParamQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlRToolReportExecutingParam
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlRToolReportExecutingParam.
The type is a context class for report execution arguments.
The type Builder.
A data transfer object is used for report executing parameter operations
Provides a convenient implementation of the DataBuffer interface that can be overridden to adapt the delegate.
The interface that is used to execute report exporting.
The type represents reporting tool report file naming strategies.
The type is an entity class which defines fields of the report group.
The type is base data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
The type is base data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlRToolReportGroupManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlRToolReportGroupModel and HvlRToolReportGroup
A data transfer object is used for report group operations.
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlRToolReportGroupOperationalManager.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for report group.
HvlRToolReportGroupQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlRToolReportGroup
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is data transfer object to querying operations.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlRToolReportGroup.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for report group operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for report group.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlRToolReportGroupService.
The type is data transfer object that uses for report importing operation.
The type is data transfer object that uses for report importing operation.
The type is a service implementation to initialize defined operations.
Properties of git based report initializer.
Properties of report initializer.
The type is an entity class which defines fields of the report locale.
The type is base data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlRToolReportLocaleModel and HvlRToolReportLocale
A data transfer object is used for report locale operations.
HvlRToolReportLocaleQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlRToolReportLocale
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlRToolReportLocale.
The type defines encoding and decoding operations for report locale resource content loading.
The type defines encoding and decoding operations for report locale resource content loading over a json mapper.
The type represents reporting tool report media types.
The type represents reporting tool report modify states.
The type Hvl r tool report op manager.
The type is an entity class which defines fields of the report order.
The type is base data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
A data transfer object is used for report order execution.
The type represents reporting tool report order execution types.
This manager provides query methods.
The class which implements HvlRToolReportOrderManager.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlRToolReportOrderModel and HvlRToolReportOrder
A data transfer object is used for report order operations.
This manager provides operational methods.
The class which implements HvlRToolReportOrderOperationalManager.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for report order.
HvlRToolReportOrderQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlRToolReportOrder
The type is a component which is used to prepare query statements.
The type is data transfer object to querying operations.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlRToolReportOrder.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for report order operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for report order.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlRToolReportOrderService.
The type defines encoding and decoding operations for report param value conversion.
The type defines encoding and decoding operations for report param value conversion over a json mapper.
The type represents reporting tool report execution result storing modes.
The types is an attribute converter to JPA entity enum field operations.
The interface that is used to access report templates.
The type is a helper component to transform report template attributes.
The type is base data transfer object that it is used to fetch data from projection operations.
The type is data transfer object that uses for report template resolving operation.
The interface that is used to resolve report templates.
The interface that is used to validate report template.
A data transfer object is used for report data source info.
The type is data transfer object that is used to the report locale resolving operations.
The type is data transfer object that is used to the report parameter resolving operations.
A data transfer object is used for resolved report template.
The type represents reporting tool resource file types.
An exception handler class for provided rest operations.
Configuration for the reporting tool server.
The type is a helper class for easy access to user session.
The type is a resource descriptor for transforming resource files to bytes content.
The type is a web utility class for the reporting tool.
The type is a Quartz job bean which is used to execute job instance.