All Classes and Interfaces

The mapper is used for mapping between and bpmm element and ArrayNode.
The mapper is used for mapping between and bpmm event element and ArrayNode.
The type Hvl bpmn activate process definition model.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlBpmnActivityInstanceModel and ActivityInstance
A data transfer object is used for bpmn activity instance operations.
A context holder which provides singleton objects for bpmn admin module.
Error constants for Bpmn Admin Module.
HvlBpmnAdminException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when occurred an error.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlBpmnAdminProcessInstanceModel and ProcessInstance
A custom implementation class for HvlBpmnAdminProcessInstanceMapperImpl
A data transfer object is used for bpmn process instance operations.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
Configuration for Bpmn Admin Repository Client API support.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn admin repository.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for bpmn admin repository operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn admin repository.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods for bpmn admin repository.
Configuration for Bpmn Admin Repository.
Constants for Bpmn Admin Repository Module.
The class which implements HvlBpmnAdminRepositoryService
Configuration for Bpmn Admin.
Configuration for Bpmn Admin Server.
The class that runs when the notifies HvlBpmnProcessInitializerEvent.
The class that runs when the application is ready.
The type Hvl bpmn base execution model.
The type Hvl bpmn base execution query model.
The type Hvl bpmn base process definition model.
The type Hvl bpmn base task model.
The type Hvl bpmn complete task model.
Generates 14 digit unique string id Developed to reduce flowable id sizes in the database
Bpmn Admin constraints.
Modulde konfigurasyon icin kullanilacak olan statik degiskenlerin tanimlandigi siniftir.
The type Hvl bpmn data object query model.
A data transfer object is used for bpmn delete process instance operations.
The type Hvl bpmn delete task model.
Constants for Bpmn Admin Display Module.
A rest controller which provides specific methods for bpmn admin display.
This service provides methods for bpmn admin display operations.
Is a class which implements HvlBpmnDisplayJsonClientResourceService.
Configuration for Bpmn Admin Display.
Configuration constants for Bpmn Admin Display Module.
An event object is used for bpmn transactional operations.
A data transfer object is used for transactional events.
Configuration for Bpmn Distributed Transaction Event Provider.
Constants for Bpmn Distributed Transaction Event Provider Configuration.
Contains the types of bpmn transactional event.
Error constants for Bpmn Admin Module.
HvlBpmnEngineException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when occurred an error.
Configuration for Bpmn Engine Starter.
Constants for Bpmn Engine Starter Configuration.
Configuration for Bpmn Engine Server.
Constants for Bpmn Engine Starter Swagger Configuration.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
The type Hvl bpmn execution data object query model.
The type Hvl bpmn execution model.
HvlBpmnProcessQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
The type Hvl bpmn execution query model.
The type Hvl bpmn execution variable query model.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for historic process instance operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn admin historic process instance.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods for bpmn historic process instances.
The class which implements HvlBpmnHistoricProcessInstanceService
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
The class which implements HvlBpmnHistoryService.
The type Hvl bpmn hvl process comment.
The interface Hvl bpmn hvl process comment manager.
The type Hvl bpmn hvl process comment manager.
The type Hvl bpmn hvl process comment model.
The interface Hvl bpmn hvl process comment operational manager.
The type Hvl bpmn hvl process comment operational manager.
The interface Hvl bpmn hvl process comment operational rest service.
HvlBpmnHvlProcessCommentQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlBpmnHvlProcessComment
The type Hvl bpmn hvl process comment query model.
The interface Hvl bpmn hvl process comment repository.
The interface Hvl bpmn hvl process comment rest service.
The interface Hvl bpmn hvl process comment service.
The type Hvl bpmn hvl process comment service.
A restful service interface which provides endpoint for bpmn engine adapter rest calls.
This service provides scheduling methods.
Configuration constants for Bpmn Listener
A data transfer object is used for bpmn listener log operations.
Builder for HvlBpmnListenerLogLevel
An implementation for bpmn log authentication token aware interface which uses with async token framework.
An aware interface for bpmn log authentication token.
An implementation for bpmn log authentication token aware interface.
Contains the types of bpmn log level
A data transfer object is used for bpmn log operations.
Builder for HvlBpmnLogLevel
Configuration for Bpmn Log Provider.
Constants for Bpmn Log Producer Configuration.
Properties of Bpmn Log Producer.
This service provides logging methods.
The class which implements HvlBpmnLogProviderService.
The class which implements HvlBpmnLogProviderService.
The type Hvl bpmn message event model.
Contains the types of bpmn process status.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlBpmnModelStatus and Integer
An entity class which defines bpmn process fields.
Configuration for Bpmn Admin Client API support.
Constants for Bpmn Admin Process.
Constants for Bpmn Admin Process Module.
The type Hvl bpmn process constraint.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlBpmnProcessDefinitionModel and ProcessDefinition
The type Hvl bpmn process definition model.
The type Hvl bpmn process definition query model.
HvlBpmnProcessQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
An entity class which defines bpmn process detail fields.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlBpmnProcessDetailModel and HvlBpmnProcessDetail
A data transfer object is used for bpmn process diagram operations.
HvlBpmnProcessDetailQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlBpmnProcessDetail
This service provides operational and retrieve methods for bpmn process diagrams.
The class which implements HvlBpmnHistoricProcessInstanceService
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for bpmn process documentation attachment.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for process documentation attachment
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn process documentation attachment.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for bpmn process documentation attachment.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for process documentation
An application event for bpmn process initialization process.
A data transfer object is used for bpmn log operations.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods for bpmn process instance logs.
The class which implements HvlBpmnProcessInstanceLogService
The type Hvl bpmn process instance model.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for bpmn admin process instance.
HvlBpmnProcessQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
The type Hvl bpmn process instance query model.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for process instance operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn admin process instance.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods for bpmn process instances.
The class which implements HvlBpmnProcessInstanceService
The interface which uses for json view annotations.
The interface With active.
The interface With history.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlBpmnProcessModel and HvlBpmnProcess
A data transfer object is used for bpmn process operations.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for bpmn admin process.
Properties of Bpmn Admin Process.
HvlBpmnProcessQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlBpmnProcess
HvlBpmnProcessQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
A data transfer object which is used to filter query.
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlBpmnProcess.
The class in which service endpoints are defined for process instance operations.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn admin process.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods for bpmn processes.
Configuration for Bpmn Admin Process.
Constants for Bpmn Admin Process Module.
The class which implements HvlBpmnProcessService
Bpmn Process Type enum class.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlBpmnProcessType and Integer
Utility class.
An entity class which defines bpmn process version fields.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlBpmnProcessVersionModel and HvlBpmnProcessVersion
A data transfer object is used for bpmn process version operations.
HvlBpmnProcessVersionQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlBpmnProcessVersion
Custom interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository for a specific type HvlBpmnProcessVersion.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods for bpmn process versions.
The class which implements HvlBpmnProcessVersionService
The enum Hvl bpmn query type.
Configuration for Bpmn Engine Repository Client API support.
Bpmn Repository Initializer Configuration.
Configuration constants for Profile.
Properties of Bpmn Repository Initializer Git Operation
Properties of Bpmn Repository Initializer Operation
The class which implements HvlInitializerService and extends HvlInitializerGitServiceImpl.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for bpmn engine repository.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn engine repository.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn engine repository.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
Configuration for Bpmn Repository Service.
Constants for Bpmn Engine Repository Service.
The class which implements HvlBpmnRepositoryService.
The type Hvl bpmn resolve task model.
An exception handler class for bpmn admin operations.
Configuration for Bpmn Engine Runtime Client API support.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for bpmn engine runtime.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn engine runtime.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn engine runtime.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
Configuration for Bpmn Runtime Service.
Constants for Bpmn Engine Runtime Service.
The class which implements HvlBpmnRuntimeService.
Configuration for Bpmn Scheduler Service.
Constants for Bpmn Engine Scheduler Service.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn admin scheduler.
Configuration for Bpmn Engine Scheduler Client API support.
Error constants for Bpmn Admin Module.
HvlBpmnSchedulerException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when occurred an error.
Constants for Bpmn Scheduler Log.
A data transfer object is used for bpmn scheduler operations.
The interface Async scheduler.
The interface Sync scheduler.
The enum Hvl bpmn scheduler period type.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn engine scheduler.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn engine scheduler.
This service provides scheduling methods.
Configuration for Bpmn Scheduler Service.
Constants for Bpmn Engine Scheduler Service.
The class which implements HvlBpmnSchedulerService.
Configuration constants for Bpmn Admin.
Bpmn Server Application.
Configuration for Bpmn Server.
Configuration constants for Bpmn Server.
Contains the spring profiles that the application uses.
Error constants for Bpmn Engine Module.
HvlBpmnException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when occurred an error.
Configuration for Bpmn Service Provider.
Constants for Bpmn Service Provider Configuration.
The type Hvl bpmn signal event model.
The type Hvl bpmn start process instance model.
The type Hvl bpmn suspend process definition model.
Configuration for Bpmn Engine Task Client API support.
The type Hvl bpmn task data object query model.
The mapper is used for mapping between HvlBpmnTaskModel and Task
The type hvl bpmn task model.
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for bpmn engine task.
HvlBpmnProcessQueryGenerator is a class which is used to prepare predicate according to provided query model.
The type Hvl bpmn task query model.
* A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn engine task.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn engine task.
This service provides operational and retrieve methods.
Configuration for Bpmn Task Service.
Constants for Bpmn Engine Task Service.
The class which implements HvlBpmnTaskService.
The type Hvl bpmn task variable query model.
Configuration for Bpmn Engine Transactional Client API support.
HvlBpmnTransactionalException is thrown with errorCode and errorMessage when transactional operation fails.
Listens bpmn's transactional kafka events.
Constants for Bpmn Transactional Log.
A data transfer object is used for bpmn transactional operations
A restful service which provides specific operational methods for bpmn engine transactional.
Listens bpmn's transactional process execution.
Feign uzerinden yapilacak isteklerde gelen header bilgilerinin tasinmasini saglayan siniftir.
A restful service which provides specific methods for bpmn engine transactional.
This service provides transactional operations methods.
Configuration for Bpmn Transactional Service.
Constants for Bpmn Engine Transactional Service.
Constants for Bpmn Transactional Service.
The class which implements HvlBpmnTransactionalService.
The type Hvl bpmn trigger model.
The type Hvl bpmn variable query model.
The type Hvl bpmn variable value query model.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlBpmnEntityCreatedDefaultListenerConfiguration of the default entity created log listener.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlBpmnTaskCreatedDefaultListenerConfiguration of the default task created log listener.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlBpmnProcessCompletedDefaultListenerConfiguration of the default process completed log listener.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlBpmnProcessStartedDefaultListenerConfiguration of the default process started log listener.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlBpmnTaskCompletedDefaultListenerConfiguration of the default task completed log listener.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
The annotation to enable configuration HvlBpmnAdminStarterConfiguration of the Jasper starter package.
Annotation to enable this package via annotation configuration.
HvlProcessDocAttachmentQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlProcessDocAttachment
HvlProcessGeneratedDocQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlProcessGeneratedDoc
HvlTransactionalHardDeleteEntityQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlTransactionalHardDeleteEntity
HvlTransactionalSoftDeleteEntityQuery is a Querydsl query type for HvlTransactionalSoftDeleteEntity
The interface is used for mapping between and bpmm element and ArrayNode.
Data Transfer Object to get only a process' process attachment uuid and filename fields
Data Transfer Object to get only a process' process id and generated doc fields
The mapper is used for mapping between and bpmm receive task element and ArrayNode.
The mapper is used for mapping between and bpmm script task element and ArrayNode.
The mapper is used for mapping between and bpmm sequence flow element and ArrayNode.
The mapper is used for mapping between and bpmm service task element and ArrayNode.
The mapper is used for mapping between and bpmm user task element and ArrayNode.