Class HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelOperationalManagerImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Service public class HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelOperationalManagerImpl extends Object implements HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelOperationalManager
The class which implements HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelOperationalManager.
  • Constructor Details

    • HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelOperationalManagerImpl

      public HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelOperationalManagerImpl(HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelRepository roleGroupRoleRelRepository, HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelQueryGenerator roleGroupRoleRelQueryGenerator, HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelMapper roleGroupRoleRelMapper)
      Instantiates a new manager implementation.
      roleGroupRoleRelRepository - the role group role rel repository
      roleGroupRoleRelQueryGenerator - the role group role rel query generator
      roleGroupRoleRelMapper - the role group role rel mapper
  • Method Details

    • merge

      public void merge(@NotNull @NotNull Long roleGroupId, @Size(max=100) @Size(max=100) Set<@NotNull Long> roleIdSetToAdd, @Size(max=100) @Size(max=100) Set<@NotNull Long> roleIdSetToRemove, @NotNull @NotNull Optional<Long> sourceRoleGroupIdToCopy)
      Merge role group relations.
      Specified by:
      merge in interface HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelOperationalManager
      roleGroupId - the role group id
      roleIdSetToAdd - the role id set to add
      roleIdSetToRemove - the role id set to remove
      sourceRoleGroupIdToCopy - the source role group id to copy
    • deleteAllByRoleGroupId

      public void deleteAllByRoleGroupId(@NotNull @NotNull Long roleGroupId)
      Delete role group role relation by role group id.
      Specified by:
      deleteAllByRoleGroupId in interface HvlOAuthRoleGroupRoleRelOperationalManager
      roleGroupId - the role group id